
Day Eighteen

Believing Through The Darkness

January 23, 2020

DAY 18 - Acts 16:25-26 - Believing Through The Darkness

“About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the jail were shaken, and immediately all the doors were opened, and everyone’s chains came loose."

Darkness is the absence of light. Isn't it amazing that "in the beginning " ELOHIM began addressing the darkness?
“Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness covered the surface of the watery depths, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.”

The Holy Spirit does exactly what He does best. Illuminates - and there is light.
I’m of the belief that many Christians today don’t really believe God IS IN the darkness with us as we navigate this Journey with Him. The Word tells us differently in numerous verses. Too many to quote. I share one of my favorites.

...so that all may know from the rising of the sun to its setting that there is no one but Me. I am Yahweh, and there is no other. I form light and create darkness, I make success and create disaster; I, Yahweh, do all these things.” Isaiah 45:6-7

He isn’t only IN the darkness with us, He created it for His good purpose. Read the narration of Job. Sometimes we are so quick to give the devil glory for what God has planned to use for His purpose.

Paul and Silas were sitting in deep darkness this particular night. We are blessed to know the narrative as a whole we see this was God’s divine plan to further the Kingdom. It is stated in Acts 9:15-16 - Regarding Paul - “Go! For this man (Paul) is My chosen instrument to take My name to Gentiles, kings, and the Israelites. I will show him how much he must suffer for My name! ”
Paul and Silas stripped, beaten with rods, put in chains and thrown into the deepest, darkest part of the prison. God orchestrated!

At the midnight hour, Paul and Silas began to pray, worship and praise God. They did not care who heard them or might have ridiculed them. They did not seek to be DELIVERED. In the Midnight Hour they sought the DELIVERER, who was in the darkness with them. As He is in the darkness with each of us in our Midnight Hour. Do you believe it brother...sister...?
Just as “in the beginning”, He starts in the darkness, then sheds light and deliverance in the situation.
At the Midnight Hour or one moment past is when the new day starts. 12:00 PM then turns to 12:01 AM. A whole new day, a whole new beginning. Imagine an earthquake hit right under the part of the prison where Paul and Silas were held. Coincidence? I think not! God’s divine appointment and plan. Right at the Midnight Hour, everything changed.
Everyone’s chains were loosed. The prison doors were opened. A jailer saved as well as his family as stated in verses 29-34.
I have experience many midnight hour engagements with the Lord. Intimate encounters with ABBA, emotional healings, breakthroughs in prayer for others, received understanding, wisdom, to name a few. All between 12:01AM and 3:30 AM. And they have all stuck with me. God healed and delivered in those times that I felt the hour was the darkest.

What is your Midnight Hour? He may wake you at that time, you may be tossing and turning thinking, I’m going to be so tired tomorrow. I suggest you get up and go to a place to pray, praise and worship seeking the DELIVERER, not the DELIVERANCE.

Not only were they seeking the deliverer, their attitude shows they trusted Him. How does one come to trust Him to such depth? Relationship. Paul and Silas had a relationship with Him. The Word tells us to trust Him with our whole heart and not lean on our own understanding...Proverbs 3:5. We can’t trust what or who we don’t know. Journeying with Jesus is experiencing Him every day so when the Midnight hour hits...like Paul and Silas...we trust!

Faith comes one step at a time, decide to trust God each day for one little thing. Before you know it you will see how trustworthy He is, you will then put your whole life in His hands. L. Austin