
Day Fourteen

Answering the Call

January 19, 2020

Answering the Call
Matthew 4:19

19 And He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
In this verse, Jesus is asking them to follow the plans he has for them. He has “Asked” each of us to follow Him. The real decision that is awaiting each of us every day is …. What will our answer be?

In the Lord's sample prayer for the apostles He says when you pray, “Give us this day our daily bread”. There is an insinuation that we come back and pray for: today’s joy, today’s peace, today’s perseverance, today’s love, today’s forgiveness, today’s strength, today’s mercy and today’s needed amount of Love. All these portioned for the need of His day for us.

Being Asked requires a response. At the ask, we are all left a choice (free will) of the reply required by the ask.

Matthew 4:20 

20 Immediately they left their nets and followed Him.
Their reply to Him is both active and geographical. They had to “let go of the net”, the very thing that occupied a large part of their lives.

To experience Breakthrough in 2020 we need to let go of our net. The very things that consume large amounts of time and make relational withdrawals from our heavenly relationship with our God and stymie the extraordinary purposes He has chosen us for and the very people He has designated us to reach and impact.

What will be our answer…..today?

The secret of following God’s will is wrapped in rejecting the “GOOD”... for “GOD’S BEST”. K.P. Yohannon