
Man Up

Finding the Path to Courageous Manhood

Sword & Trowel // Man Up // Pastor Preston Bostwick

March 5, 2023 • Pastor Preston Bostwick • Nehemiah 4:6, 1 Corinthians 16:13–14

Men are called to be warriors and workers. Maybe you’re trying to build a family, build a marriage, or trying to build up your kids and leave a legacy. That's trowel work. But if an enemy attacks your wife or your kids, it’s your job to protect them. So it is also the man's job to defend whatever it is they’re building. MAN UP is about the differences between boys & men. Our world is desperate for men who will take a stand, even if no one else will… for vigilant men who are protectors, not predators… and mature men who choose sacrifice in the name of love. Join us for MAN UP– a new series about Biblical Masculinity designed to lift men up, not tear them down. Stay Connected: Instagram | https://http://www.instagram.com/lcclevelandtx Facebook | https://http://www.facebook.com/lcclevelandtx

Predators & Protectors // Man Up // Pastor Gabe Fogleman

February 26, 2023 • Pastor Gabe Fogleman • 1 Corinthians 16:13–14

Every man has a choice: Will he prey on the weak? Or protect those he loves & is called to serve? MAN UP is about the differences between boys & men. Our world is desperate for men who will take a stand, even if no one else will… for vigilant men who are protectors, not predators… and mature men who choose sacrifice in the name of love. Join us for MAN UP– a new series about Biblical Masculinity designed to lift men up, not tear them down. Stay Connected: Instagram | https://http://www.instagram.com/lcclevelandtx Facebook | https://http://www.facebook.com/lcclevelandtx

Fences // Man Up // Pastor David Warren

February 19, 2023 • Pastor David Warren • 1 Timothy 3:2

What you put in will come out, the same concept as, "You are what you eat." So, our question is what is your intake? What are you allowing access into your heart? MAN UP is about the differences between boys & men. Our world is desperate for men who will take a stand, even if no one else will… for vigilant men who are protectors, not predators… and mature men who choose sacrifice in the name of love. Join us for MAN UP– a new series about Biblical Masculinity designed to lift men up, not tear them down. Stay Connected: Instagram | https://http://www.instagram.com/lcclevelandtx Facebook | https://http://www.facebook.com/lcclevelandtx

The Mark of a Man // Man Up // Pastor Preston Bostwick

February 12, 2023 • Pastor Preston Bostwick • 1 Corinthians 16:13–14

You’ve got to stand up against the culture even when nobody else will.  Boys tend to follow the crowd right? They go with the flow – do whatever is easy. But real men aren’t afraid to go against popular opinion they have the courage – they have the guts to take a minority position. MAN UP is about the differences between boys & men. Our world is desperate for men who will take a stand, even if no one else will… for vigilant men who are protectors, not predators… and mature men who choose sacrifice in the name of love. Join us for MAN UP– a new series about Biblical Masculinity designed to lift men up, not tear them down. Stay Connected: Instagram | https://http://www.instagram.com/lcclevelandtx Facebook | https://http://www.facebook.com/lcclevelandtx