
Acts 10-22-23

October 22, 2023 • Pastor Scott Hobbs • Acts 17, Ephesians 2:9–10


"We all have idols and the Gospel is the answer to all of them." Ancient Greece was a place where "anything goes" and today the world can seem a lot like that. During Paul's travels through Greece, we see him meeting the Greeks where they are at, listening and reasoning with them, so that they might cast down their idols and know Christ. Their idols left them empty and searching for more and the same is true of idols today. Jesus is the only, the only truth, the only life. Each day, we must lay down our idols and submit to Christ to allow Him to fulfill and sustain us.

Miss Sunday's sermon? Catch up in the LIBERTYOBX app or website now! And continue reading in Acts 18 this week! #libertyobx

More from Acts


January 28, 2024 • Pastor Scott Hobbs • Acts 28

We spent this week in Acts 28 as Paul finds himself shipwrecked on the island of Malta, a name meaning refuge or escape, where Paul and the other prisoners were cared for by a group who showed them unexpected kindness! Senior Pastor Scott Hobbs takes us through this last chapter of Acts and weaves the story of how God was faithful to Paul and faithful to the Gospel, and shared how we need to be faithful to the Gospel as well with all boldness and without hindrance.


January 7, 2024 • Senior Pastor Scott Hobbs • Acts 24:1–9, Acts 24:10–17, Acts 24:24–27, James 4:13–15, Isaiah 55:6

Today is the day, don't put it off! Obey and worship Him in all circumstances. -We are not promised tomorrow -What you believe is what you do


January 21, 2024 • Elder Jeff Blackwell • Matthew 14:30–32, Mark 4:39, Jonah 2:9—3:1, Acts 27

"Don't let fear win Don't let fear be the death of hope Hold to the truth, don't let the devil win" -Elder Jeff Blackwell