

April 14, 2024 • Senior Pastor Scott Hobbs • 1 Corinthians 15:3, Philippians 3:4–11, Luke 15:11–31, Luke 12:32–34, 1 Corinthians 4:14–17

How we manage what has been handed down to us and how we leave it for those to follow is such an important part of our Christian life! Everything we do in the Kingdom of God is transferred by relationship, therefore how we steward those relationships are of vital importance.

Senior Pastor Scott Hobbs took us through the example of Paul, who discipled the early church and whose example of leadership we can lean on today. Discipleship must be taught, parented, imitated, and then reinforced. We first begin by recognizing that what we have to steward is not our own. Everything that we have been given is the Lord's when we receive it and when we pass it on. It all boils down to the heart of the Father. He has freely given, so we also freely give!