
A New Life


A New Life #11 - A New Security

March 24, 2019

Romans 8:31-39

A New Life #10 - A New Confidence

March 17, 2019

Romans 8:29-31 | How can we live with blazing confidence and die with unwavering assurance? By knowing, that from first to last, salvation is God's work and His plan will not fail.

A New Life #9 - A New Rest

March 11, 2019

Romans 8:28

A New Life #8 - A New Hope

March 3, 2019

Romans 8:23-27 | Christians have the assurance that what God has begun in our present, He promises to perfect in our future. In the meantime, we live in the midst of tension; longing for the fulfillment of the promise. But God does not leave us alone; He gives us the Holy Spirit so that we can know a sure hope in our waiting and a strong help in our praying.

A New Life #7 - A New Perspective (on Suffering & Glory)

February 17, 2019

Romans 8:18-22 | Christianity dignifies us by being honest about the reality of suffering in this world, while at the same time giving us the most helpful & hopeful resources for facing dark days with courage. Acknowledging both our present pain, while having our eyes set on a future glory, gives us a new perspective. As C.S. Lewis said, “They say of some temporal suffering, ‘No future bliss can make up for it,’ not knowing that Heaven, once attained, will work backwards and turn even that agony into a glory.”

A New Life #6 - A New Relationship

February 10, 2019

Romans 8:14-17 | Real Christianity is deeply and intensely relational. In Christ, we are no longer slaves to fear and sin; we have been adopted into God's family. We're no longer on the sidelines; we've been brought near and given a part to play in God's great story of redemption.

A New Life #5 - A New Fight

February 4, 2019 • Darren Dakers

Romans 8:12-13

A New Life #4 - A New Power

January 27, 2019

Romans 8:9-11 | Real Christianity goes way beyond religion or self-improvement; it is a life now marked by supernatural power as the Holy Spirit takes up residence in our lives. We get a taste now in this life, of the resurrection power that is still yet to come. For every person who belongs to Jesus, we have a wonderful promise: a secure eternal future with a renewed body, in a renewed creation, in the presence of God!

A New Life #3 - A New Mind

January 20, 2019 • Sam Swadling

Romans 8:5-8

A New Life #2 - A New Walk

January 13, 2019

Romans 8:3-4 | One of the highest privileges and experiences of the gospel, is assurance. What the Law of God was unable to do, and what our flesh was unable to achieve, God has done for us through Jesus in our place and the Spirit in our lives. Now, we have a brand new walk. As John Bunyan writes, “To run and work the law commands, yet gives me neither feet or hands; But better news the gospel brings: it bids me fly, and gives me wings.”

A New Life #1 - A New Verdict

January 6, 2019

Romans 8:1-2 | What if God really has given His people certainties, that make us invincible to every demonic accusation, every disappointing circumstance, & every despairing thought? What if our hearts could know real peace, even as we live in a world that is falling to pieces? For the believer, waking up every morning into Romans 8 reminds us we have a new verdict (no longer condemned!), a new location (in Christ), and a new defining reality (freedom), that gives us the power to face anything.