
Tough Questions #6 - If Christians are meant to be joyful, why am I still anxious?

Matthew 6:25-34

September 3, 2017

Ours is a day of great anxiousness. From global unrest, to the rise of terrorism, to the powerful way in which platforms like smart-phones and social media have changed the way we connect, combined with a hundred smaller daily pressures normal to life in this world...there are plenty of reasons to be anxious. How do believer's fight for joy, while living in the cultural smog of anxiety? From Genesis to Revelation, at the heart of the gospel are two life-changing, anxiety-destroying words: God provides. God's people were never meant to carry the weight of worry, but to cast it at the feet of a loving Father. For the Christian, every single anxiety the Enemy shoots at their heart, God calls them to use as kindling in the bonfire of prayer.

Tough Questions #5 - How can a loving God send people to hell?

August 27, 2017 • Will Ross

Jesus talked more about the reality of hell than everyone else in Scripture…combined. While it is true that God is love, it is also true that ‘love’ is not all that God is. God is also holy. And just. Heaven and hell are the results of both His love and His justice. Throughout scripture, we also see that God sends no one to hell against their will. As C.S. Lewis observed, “There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’ and those to whom God says, in the end, ‘Thy will be done.’” It is against this dark backdrop, that the gospel of God’s love toward us in Jesus Christ shines brilliantly. Jesus endured the hell of being forsaken by God on the cross, so that all who trust in Him would never have to.

Tough Questions #4 - What would Jesus say to someone who is gay?

August 20, 2017 • Guy Mason

We live in a world with contested gender theories and sexual ideologies, and the issue surrounding homosexuality has been followed by a shadow of confusion of controversy. Navigating a way forward to best understand our sexuality is a daunting challenge. However, with the unchanging nature of God’s word and the truth of the gospel, we find hope and encouragement. Jesus brings a word confronting religious hypocrisy while also extending forgiveness and pardon to those suffering from sexual sin. Through a new identity in Christ and the help of the local church, those with same-sex attraction can find fulfilment and sufficiency, to live faithfully for Christ and attest to his redemptive work through the gospel.

Tough Questions #3 - Why do I need Jesus when my life is going great without Him?

August 13, 2017 • Darren Dakers

We live in a cultural context that often blinds us from our daily need for Jesus. Both materialism and morality can give the illusion of being fulfilled by "the good life"; yet both fall woefully short in the presence of Jesus. He makes clear that these things block us from entering the kingdom. Jesus came to give us something far more satisfying and beautiful than "the good life"; He came to give eternal life and fullness of life to all who would humbly receive it.