
Glimpses of the Kingdom #5 - The Prodigal Father

Luke 15:1-32

April 9, 2017

God's delight in saving people is infinitely greater than our delight in being saved. Far from being a cosmic killjoy, Jesus shows us in Luke 15 that the He is seeking, saving, rejoicing God who compassionately draws near to both rebels and rule-keepers. True freedom and happiness will not be found in 'having more' or 'doing better,' but in the security of the Father's embrace.

Glimpses of the Kingdom #6 - God’s Grace Isn’t Fair

April 16, 2017

In the parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard, Jesus shows us that heaven is not a reward for the deserving or a trophy for the moral-achievers. The Christian life, from beginning to end, is one of undeserved grace. Only when we get our eyes off what we think God owes us and onto what He has given us through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, will our lives overflow with gratitude instead of being bound by entitlement.

Glimpses of the Kingdom #4 - The Gift of Forgiveness

April 2, 2017

Forgiveness is nothing less than the gospel on display in our relationships. It cannot be earned, only given as a gift. Only when we see the enormity of our debt before God that Jesus absorbed for us on the cross, will we find the power to live free from bitterness and unforgiveness when others sin against us.

Glimpses of the Kingdom #3 - The Talents

March 26, 2017 • Darren Dakers

Jesus' return will come suddenly and unexpected, so we should be found ready. According to this parable, being ready means being profitable with the work of advancing the gospel. Each person has this privilege of seeking to maximise the master’s assets where one day we may hear those sweet words, “Well done good and faithful servant”.