
It's Personal

September 17, 2017 • Pastor Sammy Foster

Before Jesus does something through us He first does something in us. This week we will take a look at three values that define who we are in Christ as well as illuminates the freeing knowledge of our purpose in Him.

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It's Jesus

October 1, 2017 • Pastor Sammy Foster

A grace-filled life is the result of being obsessed with Jesus. Paul offered forgiveness freely because that’s what he had received. How did Jesus operate and how do we carry that message to our friends, family, workplace and world?

It's Relational

September 24, 2017 • Pastor Sammy Foster

The clearest evidence of Jesus’ work in us is the health of our relationships with one another. The biblical values we hold true in our lives then become the very ingredients needed to display Jesus to one another. This transforms our relationships, even when we are taken advantage of, hurt, or wronged. Pastor Sammy teaches us how to apply these ingredients to become the effective Messengers Jesus has called us to be.