
Instilling Values

Week 2

May 23, 2021 • Patrick Conrad

Instilling Biblical values into our children has never been more necessary. We're either intentionally taking control and shaping our family’s values, or we're relegating that task to the culture & others around us.
What are values? They are simply the principles, morals, and standards of behavior we adhere to and that guide our decisions.
Listen in and learn two of the most important values we need and how to communicate them to our children. We are responsible for teaching them HOW to be a Christian, not just what it means to believe in Christ!

Father's Day 2021

June 20, 2021 • Patrick Conrad

The role of the father in the family is absolutely essential, pivotal, and irreplaceable. Dads, your role matters. Who you are matters. And where you INVEST matters. In this message, Pastor Patrick presents Biblical and very practical ways to invest in knowing & spending time with your children, as well as investing in conversations with them. After all, where you invest, your heart expands and your impact is greatest.

Making the Most of Your Time

June 13, 2021 • Daniel Caffee

AW Tozer once wrote, “When you kill time, remember that it has no resurrection.” Time is a non-renewable resource. We have an enormous responsibility to steward our time well, especially when it comes to our families. Through wisdom and careful intention, we can redeem the time we have been given, making the most of every opportunity.

Honoring God with Money

June 6, 2021 • Tom Van Kempen

Proverbs teaches us to honor God with everything we own. So, how do we honor God with our money? It's all about perspective. We practice gratitude, embrace a stewardship mentality, and remember that God is FIRST. He is worthy of our best.