
Family Bible Xperience - Volunteer

June 23, 5:00pm - June 25, 2024 8:30pm

We need your help with our Family Bible Xperience! There are plenty of roles for you to choose from to help make this a successful event. We hope to provide a meal to all volunteers and their families each night starting at 5:00. FBX will then begin at 6:00 and end around 8:00 with snacks and refreshments. One role we will need plenty of help for is that of "Crew Leader." All the kids will be divided into a "crew" consisting of five kids and one crew leader, who will take their crew through all rotations and spend time learning and playing together.

Only members of the Leander Church of Christ who are ChildSafe approved volunteers may serve in any child-serving capacity. If you aren't sure you're an approved volunteer or not, or would like to be, contact Alan Gower.

For any questions, you can contact our FBX Leadership Team of Mallory Bode, Alan Gower, Sharon Howard, Darrell & Cynthia Hutson, and Pam Scarborough.