
Bible Study #3 - Wendy Poch

October 5, 2022 • Wendy Poch

Wendy grew up on an apple orchard and lived in both northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin before moving to Parker, Colorado in 2008. She is a cradle Lutheran who took a journey through the LCA, ELCA, LCMS and is now home in her much beloved LCMC (talk about alphabet soup!). When asked about this journey, she describes herself as a theological Goldilocks: moving from a
denomination that was too hot, then too cold, and now is in an association of churches that is just right! Of course, God did a considerable amount of stretching and growing her in the process! She has been a member of Spirit of Hope Lutheran Church in Parker, CO since 2011. She served as the congregation’s youth leader, pastoral intern, associate pastor, and is now the solo pastor of the congregation. Wendy received her MDiv from the Institute of Lutheran Theology (ILT) and serves as the chair of ILT’s new Alumni & Graduate Association. In October of 2021, Wendy also answered a call to serve on the LCMC Ministry Board.