
Farewell to Mark Vander Tuig

October 5, 2020 • Mark Vander Tuig

Mark Vander Tuig served as Service Coordinator for Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ from 2010-2020.

For the first ten years of his ministry he served congregations in Minnesota: Montevideo and St. Cloud. In 1990, he and his family moved to Altoona, Iowa where he served Lutheran Church of the Cross until 2010. During those 20 years the congregation grew from 74 in worship to over 1,100 each weekend. Pastor Vander Tuig and Lutheran Church of the Cross are charter members of LCMC. Mark also served on the first Ministry Board of LCMC for seven years.

Mark graduated from the University of Northern Iowa in 1976 with Bachelor’s degrees in both Religion and Psychology, from Luther Seminary in 1980 with a Master’s of Divinity degree, and from St. Mary’s College in 1985 with a Master’s of Counseling and Psychological Services. Mark also was part of a certification program with the University of Minnesota in Chemical Dependency Counseling and Education.

Mark and Candice were married in 1974, have two grown daughters: Laura and Matt Lukens (and daughter Elliot) of Bloomington, Minnesota, and Emily and Noah Ruppert (and son Joel and daughter Hannah) of Pleasant Hill, Iowa. Mark and Candice live in Altoona, Iowa.