
17th Annual Gathering Videos

We Confess Our Faith

October 8, 2017

Videos of the speakers from this event will be available on our website and in our mobile app in winter 2018. “We Confess Our Faith” is the theme of our 17th Annual LCMC Gathering and Convention, which takes place October 8-11. This year we also celebrate the 500th anniversary of the nailing of the 95 theses of Martin Luther to the church door in Wittenberg, the beginning of the Reformation. Our format will be a bit different this year hoping to engage those attending in the conversation of three of the fundamental teachings of the Reformation: Justification, The Doctrine of the Two Kingdoms, and the Priesthood of All Believers. The format will start with a brief introduction of the topic from a theological perspective, a panel discussion focusing on application to daily life—both domestic and international contexts – and discussion at tables by those attending the gathering.