
A Circumcised Heart

March 17, 2024 • Michael Ryan Stotler • Romans 2:25–29

**Title: A Circumcised Heart - Sermon on Romans 2:25–29**


Join us for a profound exploration of Romans 2:25–29 in this enlightening sermon titled "A Circumcised Heart." Delivered by Michael Ryan Stotler, this sermon dives deep into the spiritual significance of circumcision of the heart as outlined in the book of Romans.

In this message, Stotler unpacks the profound truths revealed in Scripture regarding the inward transformation that God desires for His people. Drawing parallels between external observances and internal renewal, he highlights the importance of genuine loyalty to God and obedience from the heart.

Through insightful commentary and relevant applications, Stotler guides listeners to understand how Christ performs the work of circumcising hearts, bringing about true righteousness and spiritual renewal. By examining key passages such as Matthew 21:28–31 and Jeremiah 31:33–34, Stotler elucidates the distinction between mere outward adherence to religious practices and genuine transformation wrought by the Spirit.

Whether you're seeking a deeper understanding of biblical truth or desiring personal spiritual growth, this sermon offers valuable insights and practical steps for embracing the circumcision of the heart and living a life that brings praise from God, not just from man.

Don't miss out on this inspiring message that challenges us to pursue authentic devotion and a transformed heart in our walk with God.

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