
Righteousness: What the Gospel Offers

April 14, 2024 • Michael Ryan Stotler • Romans 3:21–31

Join us for a profound exploration of faith, redemption, and righteousness in this enlightening sermon. Delve into the heart of what it means to receive God's righteousness and how faith plays a pivotal role in this divine exchange.

In this message, we unpack the key components that make all individuals equal before God: our shared need for redemption, the singular gift of salvation extended to all, and the universal manner in which redemption is received—through faith in Jesus Christ.

Drawing from biblical passages such as Romans 3 and insights from esteemed theologians, we uncover the profound truth that justification is not earned through works but rather received by faith. Discover how faith acts as the bridge between our brokenness and God's perfect righteousness, offering hope and liberation to all who believe.

Throughout the sermon, we confront societal misconceptions that equate earning with deserving, challenging listeners to embrace the radical notion of God's grace freely given to all who believe. Reflect on personal experiences and consider practical steps to cultivate gratitude for God's unmerited favor in daily life.

Whether you're seeking spiritual nourishment, grappling with questions of faith, or simply curious about the profound mysteries of redemption, this sermon offers profound insights and practical guidance for your journey. Join us as we embark on a transformative exploration of faith, righteousness, and the boundless love of God. Don't miss out on this enlightening message that has the power to revolutionize your understanding of faith and redemption.

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