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Event Registration:
Mission Trips
We have some upcoming mission trips. If you are interested in one of the mission trips below, contact the leader listed.
Royal Family Kids Camp is a camp for children who have been neglected or abused. They are in need of volunteers, including male guides and a nurse. For more information, contact Paul & Roz Diehl at 303-817-7364.
Haiti Mission Trip is December 17th - 23rd. This team will be serving local churches through VBS and service projects. For more information, contact Aaron Cordova at
Global Leadership Summit
Willow Creek’s Global Leadership Summit is August 10-11, 2017 at the Crossroads Church in Thornton. If you are interested in attending this conference you can get tickets at the discounted rate of $99 until June 26th. Register above at Event Registration and use the code SPC17 for the discounted rate.
Movie Night
Our first movie night of the season is on June 9th at the Reunion Recreation Park beginning at 6pm. The movie is Moana, which will begin at dusk. To serve at this event, visit the Outreach table after services.
Newcomers Dessert/Lunch
Are you new to Landing Place Church? Join Pastor Mark & Karen Hardacre at their home for dessert on June 24th at 7pm or lunch on June 25th at 12:30pm. This is a great time to learn more about our beliefs and meet other new families. RSVP by clicking on Event Registration on our app or website.
A Time to Remember
May 28, 2017 • Aaron Cordova