Driven by Eternity

November 13, 2016 • Mark Hardacre


Newcomers Dessert/Lunch
New to Landing Place Church? Join Pastor Mark & Karen Hardacre at their home for Newcomers Dessert (November 12th at 7:30pm) or Newcomers Lunch (November 13th at 12:30pm). This is a great time to meet new families and learn more about our church.

Small Group Leaders
We are recruiting small group leaders for an upcoming church-wide small group series. If you are interested in being a small group leader, contact Aaron or Teri Cordova at

Parents’ Night Out
The next Parents’ Night Out is November 18th from 6pm-10pm. Children enjoy a light dinner and supervised fun while you get a night out! Cost is $15 for the first child and $10 for each additional child. sign-up your child(ren) at the Kidzlink Children's Ministry Events at our website (

Women’s Worship & the Word
The next meeting of Women’s Worship & the Word is November 14th at 7pm at the Church Office. Join the LPC women for a time of worship and teaching from the Word.

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