
A Tale of Two Churches

& Their Consciences

October 23, 2016 • Dave Marriott

The church at Rome and the church at Corinth faced similar problems related to conscience issues but in different contexts. As a matter of fact, every church will face conscience issues. But when those issues arise, how are we to relate to each other in these areas?

A survey of 1 Cor. 8-10 and Rom. 14-15 gives us 10 resolutions on how to relate with other believers over conscience issues:

1. Resolve to understand that conscience issues can be complex (1 Cor. 10:25-29).

2. Resolve never to violate your own conscience (Rom. 14:5, 22-23).

3. Resolve never to trap other believers to violate their conscience (Rom. 14:13), by pressuring them to sin. Never make them choose between maintaining their relationship with you or sinning by violating their own conscience.

4. Resolve to see other believers as more than debate opponents on conscience issue (Rom. 14:1).

5. Resolve not to judge or despise others that differ from your conscience issues (Rom. 14:4-3).

6. Resolve never to assume another believer's motives on conscience issues (Rom. 14:6-12).

7. Resolve to always value love over knowledge in dealing with conscience issues (1 Cor. 8:1-3, Rom. 14:15).

8.Resolve not to live for yourself when it comes to conscience issues (Rom. 15:13; 14:17).

9. Resolve to value the gospel's advance more than your freedom of conscience (1 Cor. 9:19-23; 10:31-33).

10. Resolve to always live for God's glory on conscience issues (1 Cor. 10:31).