
Getting Over Guilt

Part 7

August 15, 2021 • Vince DiPaola

This Sunday, I will be continuing our current series by looking at “Getting Over Guilt”. Like we’ve said throughout this series, every emotion can be used in a good, biblical way or a bad, unbiblical way and the same is true of guilt. I will talk about the difference between “guilt” and “shame”, what destructive guilt looks like, what constructive guilt looks like, and how to strive for a guilt-free life.

This will be an important message for all of us as we wrestle with the healthy aspects of guilt and learn to reject the unhealthy aspects of it.

Aiming Your Anger

July 4, 2021 • Frank De Luccio

All of us have felt the sting of someone’s anger and we’ve all certainly gotten angry at someone or something ourselves. The God-given emotion known as Anger is a natural part of life. But what is the Biblical perspective on anger? This Sunday we’ll take a look at what God has to say about Anger and how to aim it towards something positive.

Facing Fear

July 11, 2021 • Frank De Luccio

Every person has been equipped by God with a distinct set of emotions and each of these emotions are intended by God to be healthy expressions of how we feel about the various circumstances of life that we encounter. Along the way, as the result of the fall of Adam and Eve, all of us now wrestle with the right and wrong ways to express our emotions. This Sunday we’ll be looking at the emotion Fear. While Fear is not an emotion that we often enjoy, it is incredible how many people allow it to drive and consume their lives. In this week’s message we’ll unpack how unhealthy fear causes problems with our health and draws us away from God, and we’ll give you some tools to help you face your fears together with God.

Redirecting Rejection

July 18, 2021 • Brian Pawlowski

Our summer series is off to a fantastic start! So far, we’ve tackled anger and fear, But let me ask you a question…what do we do with rejection? We have all faced it at one point in our lives. And sometimes rejected by people we never thought would do that. Rejection can truly be a crippling thing to experience and can lead to all sorts of emotional troubles. That’s why this week we are going to talk about Redirecting Rejection. There is way to redirect it, especially if we know that the rejection is because we are doing what God is asking of us.