
He Took Our Place

When Adam and Eve defied god and fell from grace, God began the process of rescuing and redeeming people through Jesus Christ, including the recovery of our identity. This series will help you learn to live out your new identity in Jesus Christ so you overcome identity, insecurity, and esteem issues biblically.

A New View Of You

Recovering Your Stolen Identity

When Adam and Eve defied god and fell from grace, God began the process of rescuing and redeeming people through Jesus Christ, including the recovery of our identity. This series will help you learn to live out your new identity in Jesus Christ so you overcome identity, insecurity, and esteem issues biblically.

Mugged By The Mirror

So often people base their identity on their outward appearance. If you doubt this check out the next 10 commercials on TV and you will see most of them focus on how to look better, how to rest better, how to smell better, how to smile better and generally how to appear more pretty or handsome. The problem is no matter what we do on the outside to make ourselves look better, if we do not deal with our inside, we will never have an identity that is grounded in reality. In this message we will talk about how the mirror, or the way we look, can mug us and also identify ways to adjust the mirror so that what we see is a true reflection of what God sees us as.