
LESSON 3: God: The Heavenly Father And The Trinity

LESSON 1: Theology Why It's Important

The foundation of faith for every Christian is based on a sound theology— that is the study of God and His Word. For any Christian to be able to grow strong in their faith, they must be able to accurately grasp the chief tenants of Christian theology related to the Bible, the Trinity, angels and demons, creation, humankind, salvation, sanctification, the church, death and the end times. Sadly, too few Christians know how to think theologically in our day, but we’re out to change that. In this extensive and essential series, we will cover all of the major areas of systematic theology to help anyone establish a strong and sound “Life Foundation” for their faith.

LESSON 2: The Bible: The Inspired, Inerrant Guidebook

LESSON 4: The Person Of Jesus: The Only Son Of God