
Sunday Morning

August 13, 2023 • Guest Speaker, Don Dettrick

Welcome to Lake Chelan Bible Church, in Chelan, WA. Thank you for joining us. This morning message from our Guest Speaker Don Dettrick.

At Lake Chelan Bible Church our aim is to bring God glory. We do this by 'proclaiming liberty to the captives' (Is. 61:2), we do this by humble dependence on Christ (Matt. 5:3), we do this by 'owing nothing but to love one another' (Ro. 13:8) and it is our aim to 'live at peace with all people,' while 'making it our ambition to live quiet lives where we work with our hands' (Rom. 12:18, 1 Thes. 4:11-12). We pray with intercession, 'mourning with those who mourn and rejoicing with those who rejoice' (Ro. 12:15), we proclaim Christ in all seasons (2 Tim. 4), we praise God for His namesake (Ps. 19:1), and we preach truth in the power of the Holy Spirit (Ez. 36:1, 2 Tim. 4:2). It is with the love of Christ, in the truth of God's Word, and the power of His Holy Spirit, that you would come to know Christ and look forward to His return as we worship Him.

Lake Chelan Bible Church is located on the edge of the North Cascades along the shores of Lake Chelan in Central Washington. Our hope is to be able to impact not just those in our local community, but to be a resource for those looking for Bible-based teaching anywhere.

*If you normally just listen to us online we would love to still connect with you to find ways we can serve, pray and shepherd you. Please contact us either by filling out a connect card online: https://lakechelanbiblechurch.org/connect-card or emailing Lake Chelan Bible Church at Office@lakechelanbiblechurch.org

Website: https://lakechelanbiblechurch.org/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LakeChelanBi...

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