Sharing Your Story

March 24, 2024 • Pastor Ben Hiwale • Acts 22:1–2

Nobody’s life personified second chances like the life of the Apostle Paul. We can learn a lot by observing the relationship that Paul had with God throughout his life. Earlier in his life, Paul persecuted people for following Jesus. He had them beaten, imprisoned, and even put to death because of their belief in God’s only Son, yet God forgave him and offered him a second chance. 

Sometimes we are too hard on ourselves. Sometimes we wonder if God could still love us after all of the sins we have committed. Paul’s story reminds us that God’s love, mercy, and grace know no limits!

Wrongly accused of disrespecting Jewish law, Paul shares his upbringing, religious training, and conversion to Christianity with the crowd. As soon as he says, “Gentiles,” people remember their anger and begin rioting again. There are few things more powerful and disarming than a story, particularly the story of how Jesus can change someone’s life.

Paul could have argued the finer points of the law with anyone in the crowd. He could have expounded on Jesus’ fulfillment of every nook and cranny of Old Testament prophecy. Instead, Paul shared his story of transformation with a vicious mob. A murderer of Christians morphed into a preacher of the Gospel, all that is compelling stuff. Paul’s conversion on the road to Damascus was a life-changing event. From that moment on, Paul went from persecuting Christians to risking his life repeatedly in his service to the Lord.

As we study Paul’s life, we will see three things:

1. God had a plan for Paul.

2. Paul was Obedient.

3. Paul became one of the most significant people in the history of the world.

Just as He did for Paul, God has a plan for each of us. The question is, will we follow it? Will we allow God’s plan to work in our lives?  When God’s plans take us out of our comfort zone in a direction that we did not foresee, will we stay the course? If we do, our reward in Heaven will be great!

Every Christ follower has a story to tell. All of us have been rescued from a life of sin and disobedience, set free to follow Jesus. We don’t need to be articulate salesmen or well-educated theologians to tell others about Jesus. God has given each of us a story of transformation and the power of the Gospel.

Who are we sharing our stories with? What does this passage teach us about God? How does it apply to you? How do you feel when faith comes up with people who don’t believe? Do you shy away from talking about Jesus with friends, family, and co-workers? Why or why not?

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