Living Faithfully

February 11, 2024 • Pastor Ben Hiwale • Acts 20:17–24

It has been well said, the quantity of your life is up to God, but the quality of your life is yours to choose. Paul made his life count! You can feel his passion dripping off of these words. His life was lived on purpose. He was even willing to face suffering and death in order to make his life count for Jesus. I want to encourage you to realize the urgency of this one message and mission. Without Jesus people will spend eternity in Hell. We can make a difference in people’s lives for eternity! Let’s make this one life count. One message, one mission, one life.

Is the gospel we believe, preach, live and practice worth dying for? What does that look like for you? Moral reform? Save yourself through good works? Social action and improvement? Religious traditions? Merely having spiritual conversations? Some mumbo-jumbo? Self-esteem? Ecological salvation? Political correctness? Feel-good?


“Yet there used to be a gospel in the world which consisted of facts which Christians never questioned. There was once in the church a gospel which believers hugged to their hearts as if it were their soul’s life. There used to be a gospel in the world, which provoked enthusiasm and commanded sacrifice. Tens of thousands have met together to hear this gospel at peril of their lives. Men, to the teeth of tyrants, have proclaimed it, and have suffered the loss of all things, and gone to prison and to death for it, singing psalms all the while. Is there not such a gospel remaining?” (Spurgeon)


The Christian life: is it supposed to be tough or easy? Does our faith in Jesus Christ cause us difficulty, hardship, suffering, and loss? Or does it pave for us an easy road to heaven?


These aren’t easy questions. But if we look at some of the people in the Bible, the ones we admire and respect for their obvious faithfulness to the Lord—we see that they didn’t have a life of ease. Paul, for example, faced difficulties that would make most of us wonder where God is: shipwrecks, imprisonments, beatings, and other kinds of abuse (2 Corinthians 11:23-28). It seems he was better off before he started following Jesus.


Following Christ is demanding. One needs to be all in, but when it is presented as one way ticket to heaven, just say a prayer, it is easy, fun and no cost, you are leading people to devastation. Jesus Himself said, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me” (Matthew 16:24). That’s a clear call for self-denial.


Paul was given a task, and he did it wholeheartedly for God’s glory, no matter what the cost, “But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God” (Acts 20:24).


Some Christians run nobly at the start of the race, some do well halfway, but blessed is the man who makes a good finish. Paul's last words to Timothy "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course and I have kept my faith” (2 Timothy 4:7).


Are you wholeheartedly pursuing the mission God has given you? If not why not?  

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