
Day 9

January 10, 2017

Prayers for Pastors and Churches
(Ephesians 4:11-13; Isaiah 56:1-7; Jeremiah 23:1-4; Luke 18:1; Philippians 4:6-7; Matthew 21:13)
- Pray against Christian persecution and that Christians will be able to openly exercise Christianity without fear of retaliation.
- Pray that all pastors will boldly stand and preach the uncompromised gospel and saving grace of Jesus Christ.
- Pray for the direction, protection, guidance and encouragement of our pastor and all pastors truly exhibiting and supporting Kingdom agendas.
- Pray for church leadership, staff, ministries and volunteers to serve as unto the Lord and seek His guidance in every area.
- Pray for our churches to be revived and on fire for the Lord; truly demonstrating the unconditional love of Christ.
- Pray that God will give pastors wisdom as they call their congregations to intercession and lead them to an understanding of the times.
- Pray for a spirit of prayer to spread like wildfire across our homes, churches and land until every church becomes a “House of Prayer”, saturated with seasons and extended times of turning to the Lord.

Daily Prayer Power Conference

Each of the 12 days we will end our time of prayer and fasting with a 30-minute Prayer Power Conference Call from 7:00pm-7:30pm. Dial in instructions for the prayer call are: Dial: 1-515-739-1030 Meeting ID: 842177332#

Day 12

January 13, 2017

Prayers for Healing of our Land! (2 Chronicles 7:14) (Micah 6:8; Proverbs 18:12; Matt. 6:33; Phil. 2:14-16; 4:6-7; Mark 10:27; Isaiah 59:1; Psalms 145:18; 1 John 1:9; Jeremiah 3:22; Hosea 6:1; Joel 2:25) - Pray for God to hear the cry of the humble and help those who believe in Him to walk in a spirit of humility; recognizing that pride leads to destruction and humility precedes honor. - Pray that ALL Christians will seek God first in prayer at the beginning of each day before getting involved in work or other activates. - Pray that urgency and fervency will characterize the prayers of ALL Christians and that our first response to life situations and circumstances will be to pray, not panic. - Pray that as believers humbly seek God’s face, He will increase faith in His ability to intervene supernaturally in any situation and do the impossible. - Pray that Christians everywhere will understand the dire importance and their personal responsibility to live holy and blameless before a lost and watching world. - Pray that God will raise up an army of Prayer Warriors who are willing to preserver in prayer and wage war on their knees. - Praise God that His hand is not too short to save, His ear is not too heavy to hear our one accord prayers, and for His promise to hear and draw near to all who call upon Him in truth. - Praise God for His promise to extend mercy, forgive our sin and cleanse those who confess and forsake their sins. - Praise God for His promise to heal those who have fallen away, bind up the wounds of the torn and bruised and restore the years that the locust has eaten!

Day 11

January 12, 2017

Prayers for Personal and Church-wide Spiritual Growth & Maturity (2 Corinthians 7:9-10; Deuteronomy 6:5; John 13:34; Isaiah 26:9; Nehemiah 9:2-3; James 5:16) - Pray for your personal spiritual growth and maturity—no longer desiring milk, but the meat of God’s word to guide your life. - Pray that you will grieve over your own personal sins, confess and repent. - Pray to know God better through his word and prayer—hungering and thirsting after God and His righteousness. - Pray for desire and commitment to dedicate more time with God in prayer and in studying and applying God’s word to your daily life. - Pray for spiritual accountability and freshness to fall upon you, your church family and the church at large. - Pray to effectively serve in the church body—using your spiritual gifts and talents for mission, ministry and witness. - Pray for spirit-lead and anointed pastors, worship leaders, musicians, choirs, praise teams, staff, ministry leaders and volunteers.