
That Makes Good Sense

All Bets are Off - Part 2

Philip De Courcy • Proverbs 12:11

All Bets are Off - Part 1

Philip De Courcy • Proverbs 12:11

Filled with Spirits or the Spirit

Philip De Courcy • Ephesians 5:18

Dying for a Drink - Part 2

Philip De Courcy • Proverbs 20:1

Dying for a Drink - Part 1

Philip De Courcy • Proverbs 20:1

Keeping Your Cool

Philip De Courcy • Proverbs 16:32

Managing Your Money - Part 2

Philip De Courcy • Proverbs 3:9–10

Managing Your Money - Part 1

Philip De Courcy • Proverbs 3:9–10

Talking About the Birds & the Bees - Part 2

Philip De Courcy • Proverbs 5:15–23

Talking About the Birds & the Bees - Part 1

Philip De Courcy • Proverbs 5:15–23

For God and Country

Philip De Courcy • Proverbs 14:34

Government serves no good purpose if good is not its purpose. Faced with the tragedy and the transgression we are facing in our culture; our country needs to look to the wisdom of the book of Proverbs and we need to heed its council as it regards issues of political leadership and social order. It is a moral and God-fearing government that produces strength, stability and smiles within a nation. You and I ought to seek the prosperity and the peace of this nation. If America wants to know peace and prosperity, then America needs to embrace Truth– Truth revealed by God and His word and through His Son.

Looking to Marry - Part 3

Philip De Courcy • Proverbs 18:22

Remember that looking good is not the same as being good. In looking for a spouse we ought to look for an inner beauty, a character-based behavior. There is the clear and present danger that we can inflate the value of outside appearance, while at the same time discounting the worth of inside qualities. Credentials and charisma have little value when things get tough, character reflects the beauty of the Lord Jesus. 

Looking to Marry - Part 2

Philip De Courcy • Proverbs 18:22

Proverbs helps us see that there is: debatable beauty, durable beauty, and desirable beauty. Physical attraction is never enough. According to the book of Proverbs, to start or sustain a marriage, it's a factor, but it's not a primary factor. We are body and spirit, and becoming one is a much richer concept than sexual union. You and I need to have a concept of beauty that's theologically rooted and based in the Word of God. God defines what is beautiful. He's the measure of what is good and beautiful. So a Christian vision of beauty is rooted in the moral character of God. A Christian view of that which is attractive, is rooted in the transcendental reality of who God is, what God does, and by extension- what God expects. When talking about beauty, we’re talking about theology. I'm talking about how God perceives us. We are beautiful because he's made as exactly the way we are.

Looking to Marry - Part 1

Philip De Courcy • Proverbs 18:22

What are we to be looking for when we are looking to marry? Proverbs helps us see that there is: debatable beauty, durable beauty, and desirable beauty. The book of Proverbs picks up the theme of beauty and it contrasts false beauty and fading beauty with true beauty and inner beauty that lasts. From a biblical point of view, the Christian works from the inside-out but the world's working from the outside-in.

Let's Be Honest

Philip De Courcy • Proverbs 28:13

The intent of Proverbs is to give us wisdom, insight, and instruction regarding how life is to be lived successfully. This book will help us to manage the art of successful living and that is found in a right relationship with God and that right relationship with God cannot be had until our sins are uncovered and confessed. Prosperity is knowing God and knowing the value of that relationship. Prosperity is friendship with God. Prosperity is treasure in Heaven. Prosperity is victory over the grave. Prosperity is a clean conscience and peace of heart. In this passage we will see the burden of concealed sin and the blessing of revealed sin. On the other side of man's confession, he will find God's compassion.