
Dare to Be Different

2 Timothy 3:10-15

December 9, 2017 • Philip De Courcy • 2 Timothy 3:10–15

It is easier to fit in. Who wants to be rejected when one can be accepted? Peer pressure is real. There is a clear and present danger of conforming to the crowd or to the culture. And that is a temptation that the Christian must confront and conquer. The Christian must dare to be different, because we have been called in Christ to be different, to be a moral misfit, to march to the beat of another drummer. In this passage we see Paul urge Timothy, his son in the faith, to greater faithfulness in the Gospel. He is asked to commit himself to that in the face of growing worldliness in the church and culture that is increasingly Christless. Paul presents us with the contrast in the life of a believer, the conflict of persecution in the life of the believer and the continuance in the life of the believer. That ultimately, God is working out everything across history that stretches out into eternity. What a glorious, beautiful and wonderful reality that is. Like Paul and Timothy, we must dare to be different.