
Always Abounding

1 Corinthians 15:58

April 17, 2022 • Philip De Courcy • 1 Corinthians 15:58

Hope is yours for the taking. The resurrection is a settled matter. Few things more readily promote stability in life than the assurance of eventual victory. If you know in the end, you win, you can go through anything. The Christian is someone alive to life, because for the Christian, Christ through His life is alive in them. They've been born again unto a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. If you live in the light of the implication of that event- be established, be enthused, be expectant. Know that He is presiding, praying and providing. The Gospel is an antidote to the meaninglessness that marks so many. The Gospel teaches us that God sent His one and only son so that you and I, through belief in Jesus Christ, might be given the gift of eternal life. Our life under the sun is eternally significant and nothing we do is meaningless.