
The Good Book - Part 1

2 Timothy 3:15-17

January 13, 2018 • Philip De Courcy • 2 Timothy 3:15–17

God's words inspire man to a far, far greater degree. They are a transfusion of strength, of peace, of joy, of knowledge about everyday life and eternal life. The Bible is the living and powerful Word of God. It's able to empower us to live lives that are strong and significant and satisfying for God's glory. At the heart of the Bible is the story of creation, the fall of man, redemption in Jesus Christ, and consummation at the end of the ages for all the righteous. Yet the amazing thing is there's one storyline, there's one unifying theme, there's one subject that holds it all together, and it's the story of God's love for us in Christ. 2 Timothy will address the nexus, nature and necessity of Scripture.