
Sanctioned Love Worship Conference

The Oil and the Vine

October 19, 2024
8:30am - 8:30pm

Sanctioned Love is a local ministry that works with worship, inner healing, and leadership training. They are hosting their first worship conference and Klamath Christian Center is partnering with them by letting them use our facility.

This conference is NOT just for worship team members and leaders but it is for all! This conference will be about God’s presence and going deeper! Teachings, worship, ministry and fellowship!

$20/person lunch included
no childcare provided but you can register kids if they want to come
Conference - doors open at 8:30am and ends at 4:30pm. FREE worship night for all 6:30pm and doors open for that at 6:00p.

Go to www.sanctionedlove.com > events to register. Their email and phone number is on the website as well if you have questions or need help registering.