

Uniting People

Stay Connected With Your Kids

March 25, 2018 • Pastor Frank Montgomery

In the series finale of “Connected - Uniting People”, Pastor Frank discusses the importance of staying connected to your children as you lead and guide them towards Christ. Discover the 8 keys to connected/intimate parenting as well as important steps to fighting and overcoming strife in your home. You can experience a home full of peace and love! Thanks for listening!

Defeating Disconnection in Your Marriage

March 18, 2018 • Pastor Frank Montgomery

In Part 7 of the series, "Connected - Uniting People", Pastor Frank talks about the dangers of being disconnected from your spouse, and the practical steps you can take to reconnect. In this podcast you'll learn the different signs of isolation as well as the 7 steps to defeating disconnection in your marriage.

Relationships are Hard

March 11, 2018 • Pastor Frank Montgomery

In part 6 of the series, “Connected - Uniting People” Pastor Frank talks about the real challenges of relationships. Connecting with people can be challenging, because people have issues... we all have issues. The New Testament mentions “one another” and “each other” more than 100 times. Many relationships fail because we care more about ourselves than one another. You will also learn some important truths to remember when you’re in a single chapter of life. Thanks for listening!

Many Parts, One Body

March 4, 2018 • Pastor Frank Montgomery

In part 5 of "Connected", Pastor Frank describes three metaphors that describe how we as individuals relate to one another. He explains that it is impossible to fulfill God's plan and purpose for your life in isolation. We need others in our life so that the fruit of the Spirit can be developed in us. Christianity is a "system of belonging" not just a system of beliefs. Discover how to get connected to others and experience the full blessing of being a part of the family of God.

Get Planted and Flourish

February 25, 2018 • Pastor Frank Montgomery

In part 4 of the series, "Connected - Uniting People", Pastor Frank expands on the importance of being connected to a local Church. The Bible tells us that God exalted Jesus head over everything for the benefit of the Church. Christ is the head, and those who are planted in His Church will flourish. Pastor Frank confronts five lies/excuses many people would use to avoid staying connected to a local Church. "Let's not be churchless Christians."

Connect to the Church

February 18, 2018 • Pastor Frank Montgomery

In part 3 of our series, "Connected - Uniting People", Pastor Frank talks about the importance of being connected to the Church. You'll get an in-depth look at Ephesians chapter 1 and understand that all of Christ's power and authority is for the purpose of His Church. In our American society and culture, going to church has become just another facet of our consumerism mentality. Many people have settled for distorted images of why the church exists. Get reconnected to Christ's heart and passion that all of His people find a home and family within the community of the local church!

Benefits of Connection with God

February 11, 2018 • Pastor Frank Montgomery

In part 2 of "Connected, Uniting People," Pastor Frank shares the practical benefits of being connected to God. You will also learn practical ways of how you can plug in and stay connected to God all day every day of your life. Don't settle for a disconnected relationship with God. God's word tells us that as we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us, What an amazing promise. Let's get connected to Jesus today!

Connect to The Source

February 4, 2018 • Pastor Frank Montgomery

Jesus said, "I am the vine, you are the branches. This who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit." We were created to be in relationship, connected, with both God and man. If we remain connected to our source, then we will experience a life that Knows God, Relates to God, Grows in God, Serves God, and Shares God. In this opening teaching of the "Connected - Uniting People" series you will experience the value of being plugged in to the vine, who is Jesus. Thanks for listening