
When Jesus gets in your boat

Week 1

April 2, 2017 • Pastor Frank Montgomery

When Jesus gets in your boat you can expect the impossible to become a reality. Listen as Pastor Frank begins a new series on the life of Peter and experience what it must have been like to be called and chosen by Jesus himself. When you keep your eyes on Jesus you'll be alright!

More from Peter

Boldly Move Forward

April 30, 2017 • Pastor Frank Montgomery

After receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit, Peter and the other disciples began to speak the name of Jesus boldly, and thousands were added to the Church. This movement changed the world and is still impacting our lives today. Discover how your confidence in the name of Jesus can bring hope to your life and inspire people around you.

You will receive Power

April 23, 2017 • Pastor Frank Montgomery

After His death and resurrection, Jesus told Peter and the other disciples that He would be going away, but that a gift would be coming that would give them power to be witnesses to the rest of the world. It's this gift of the Holy Spirit that empowers us today as believers to share the hope and life of Christ with our friends, family, and neighbors. We believe that this teaching will encourage and inspire you to pursue Jesus and His will for your life!

Easter Celebration

April 16, 2017 • Pastor Frank Montgomery

"Why are you looking for the living among the dead? Jesus is Alive!" Listen as we celebrate Jesus raising from the dead through the eyes of Peter. After denying Christ, Peter needed a fresh start. Once reunited, Jesus asked Peter a simple question that would erase all feelings of guilt and shame. We are just like Peter. We sometimes fail Jesus and make mistakes, but Jesus is ready to embrace us and cover us in forgiveness. Experience love and forgiveness today as you encounter the love and grace of Jesus.