
That's not like me

Part 2

April 15, 2018 • Pastor Frank Montgomery

The second step to getting through heartache, loss, and hopelessness is to have the right identity. The Bible tells us that we are new creatures in Christ. The old self is gone! Instead of building your identity around your struggles by saying, "my sickness, my anger, my failure, my loss" we can align our identity in Christ by saying, "this isn't like me. It's no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me!"

You will also hear an inspirational story interview with Randy Lagerquist who learned the importance of finding her true identity in Christ in the midst of crisis and loneliness.

More from Now What?

Quitters, Campers, and Climbers

June 10, 2018 • Pastor Frank Montgomery

In the series conclusion of "Now What", Pastor Frank talks about the three different ways that we can choose to handle adversity and struggle. You can either quit and give up when you meet opposition, you can go a little ways and set up camp and get comfortable with "good enough", or you can put on your climbing gear and fight and claw to the top as you summit to God's best for your life. No matter where you are on your journey, decide to take one step forward as you get through the heartaches, loss, and hopelessness of life.

The Struggle Gap

June 3, 2018 • Pastor Chris Weber

In Part 9 of the series, "Now What? - Getting through heartache, loss, and hopelessness," Pastor Chris uses the Old Testament story of Joseph to encourage those who find themselves in a "struggle gap." In this teaching you'll learn why we go through difficulty, as well as five truths you can remind yourself when traveling through your struggle gap. You can't always control your circumstances, but you can control your outlook and attitude in all circumstances. Thanks for listening!

We've All Been There

May 27, 2018 • Pastor Frank Montgomery

In Part 8 of the series "Now What? - Getting Through Heartache, Loss, and Hopelessness" you will hear the real life stories of how five individuals had to face very serious challenges in their life. Whether it's the loss of a loved one, the daily grind of trying to provide for the needs of your family, or the hurt and pain of feeling abandoned and unwanted, to some of your challenging circumstances, we've all experienced the intense emotions and consequences of life's struggles. But together we can move forward and take steps to getting through the valley of the shadow of death.