
Choose Faith

October 29, 2017 • Pastor Frank Montgomery

You can either choose to live in fear, or you can choose to live in faith. Faith will come by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. You must practice your faith by speaking the Word of God. Listen as Pastor Frank concludes this powerful series on how to live by Faith. You'll learn practical ways to fight your fears, and hear inspiring stories from the Bible of how people were healed and admired for their life of faith.

Speak Faith

Pastor Frank Montgomery

In part 3 of "Faith vs. Fear," Pastor Frank speaks on the importance of speaking faith and the Word of God in your life. The power of death and life are in the tongue. Many people live in fear because they receive the lies of devil by what they speak with their mouth. You can overcome the lies of the enemy when you speak the Word of God over your natural circumstances. Allowing fear to oppress you is a choice. Will you choose faith or fear? Your decision will make all the difference.

Faith Comes by Hearing

October 15, 2017 • Pastor Frank Montgomery

In the second part of the series, "Faith vs. Fear," Pastor Frank talks about the importance of knowing, trusting, and speaking the Word of God when activating your Faith. Faith is expressive and active, it's acting on what you believe. This truth is illustrated as Pastor Frank tells the story of Peter walking on water with Jesus. Peter's faith in Jesus' word allowed him to walk on water, but once he began to fear his surroundings, he began to sink. Listen now and discover the important truths of God's Word as you learn to exercise and use the Spirit of Faith that has been given to you by your loving Father in heaven.

Faith, Fear's Opposite

October 8, 2017 • Pastor Frank Montgomery

The Bible tells us that it is impossible to please God without faith. If you want to please God, then you must understand what faith is and is not. In this teaching you will discover that Faith and Fear are at war with one another inside us. Faith activates the Spirit of God and life, where fear activates sin and death. We must realize that these two spiritual forces are at war with one another, and that we have a real enemy that is out to "kill, steal, and destroy" whomever he can. The powerful truth is that Jesus has already defeated death, and we have access to a life without fear when we stand in faith in Jesus.