Temporal vs. Eternal Dominion
November 3, 2024 • Pastor David Engelhardt
In this sermon, Pastor David explores the biblical concept of dominion and its implications for modern Christian living. Beginning with Revelation 1:6 and Genesis 1:26, he emphasizes the believer's role in exercising God's dominion on earth. Pastor David challenges the notion that Christians should avoid politics, arguing that it contradicts the biblical call to bring God's kingdom to earth. Contrasting God's liberating dominion with oppressive secular rule, Pastor David uses 1 Samuel 8 to illustrate the dangers of concentrated human power. He critiques the Christian retreat from various spheres of influence, including education, arts, media, and science, emphasizing that God's dominion leads to freedom, while secular dominion often results in oppressive regulations and personal bondage. This sermon ultimately challenges believers to actively engage in bringing God's kingdom principles into every aspect of society, promoting righteousness and opposing oppressive systems that steal our best resources - our children and our freedoms.