
Mother's Day 2019

What We Need To Learn On Mothers Day

March 31, 2019 • Pastor Margaret Beasley

On Mother’s Day we seek to value our mothers, honour them, and
learn from their lives. We must also learn to go further than they were able to in
their generation; by starting fresh or building upon the foundation they have laid.

Further Scripture:
Deuteronomy 5:16, John 19:26, Matthew 15:4-6, 1 Timothy 5:3, 1 Peter 4:8, 1 John 1:9

Apply The Word:
Do you honour your mother and pray for her? In spite of circumstance, are your
words always pure towards your mother? Do you hold on to any bitterness,
sadness, anger, or loss? The Bible’s instruction is clear; we must honour our
parents without compromise. Consider both the blessings and hurts you have
experienced, both the models and the mistakes your mother may have made. Give
thanks to God for your life, and for your mother who brought you into this world.
However good or bad your experience of a mother (or being a mother) has been,
allow God to minister freedom and healing to your heart; from the pain of the
past or the sadness of bereavement. Pray for God to bring a new season of
wholeness into your life today as a child and/or as a mother.

Have you determined for you and your household to serve the Lord? Do you hold
on to ‘the ways things are in your family’, or do you set your path according to
the Word of God? Make note of all of the preconceptions that you have picked up
from your parents (good or bad!). Now test all of them against scripture and
consciously decide what needs to change and be cut from your life or lifestyle.