In the midst of so much upheaval in the world, negative news, so much noise and fear, it is easy to lose your peace and focus all that is going wrong around you. There are noises that begin to reach our heart, noises that take away our peace: the noise of illness, the noise of anxiety, of separation, bankruptcy, a family member who has died, the noise of fear of death and the future, of a diagnosis and the noise of the news. Those noises lead us to not listen to what God has told us.
But, as we see from the story of Jesus calming a very big and dangerous storm that He and His disciples were facing in Mark 4:35-41, Jesus has already given you great promises and assures you that He is with you no matter what storms you personally are facing. Jesus had told the disciples they would cross over in a boat to the other side, but He hadn’t told them there would be storms along the way. Yes Jesus’s promises were still true, regardless of the storm facing them. We can learn, just as Jesus’s first disciples had to, how to block out the noises that stop us always focussing on Jesus and living for Him and in His perfect peace.
1. Remember who Jesus is: The Son of God
2. Remember all that Jesus has done: He has healed you
3. Remember what Jesus can do: all that He promises He will do in your life
Jeus spoke to the storm the disciples were facing and brought a peace that totally surpassed all understanding. You can understand that in spite of the storms, Jesus is with you. Tell the Lord about the storms you are experiencing, but understand that in the midst of that storm Jesus is there. Understand that what Jesus did in the past, He will do again in this present storm. He has the power to speak to sickness and transform it into healing. He has the power to speak to the curse and transform it into blessing. Jesus has the power to speak to death and transform it into life. But you have to remember and declare that, despite the great storm you are facing, that Jesus has promised you will make it through. Believe that this storm is forming your character and taking you to a greater level of faith. Remember that you are not alone, you have the Lord, you have the church, you have the pastors, and you are going to get through to the other side. There is going to come a calm where you are going to experience miracles.
Tell Jesus the storms that you are experiencing, e.g. family, personal, financial, emotional, sickness, pain, a child who has relapsed, etc. But understand that in spite of that storm, you are not alone. You have not been abandoned. Jesus the Son of God, the One who shed His blood seven times for you at the Cross of Calvary, is right there with you. From today, ask the Lord that you will no longer hear those noises, and that from today you will understand that Jesus is saying ‘I am with you and we will pass over to the other side’. Jesus has the power to calm and remove your storm and to silence all the noise. Declare that you will make it through the other side of your storm and that Jesus is with you and you will see a miracle. Thank the Lord that you will see His promises become a reality in your life.