
From Human Power To The Power Of The Holy Spirit

Pentecost Sunday 2019

June 9, 2019 • Jon & Hayley Stevens

The Holy Spirit is a great promise from God for His people. When we receive the Holy Spirit, all of us will be fully equipped to move in the power of God and see incredible fruit in our lives and ministry. In this message, we look back to the first Pentecost and see what we can expect when the Holy Spirit comes in power upon us.

Further Scripture:
Acts 4:8, 4:13, 4:33, 5:12, 5:28, 6:3, 1 Corinthians 2:4, 4:20, Luke 11:11-13

Apply The Word:
Are you filled with the Holy Spirit? Do you know and believe God’s promises to offer all believers to be filled Holy Spirit? God promises the Holy Spirit to all people (Acts 2:4, 17-18) – that includes you! To see great things in our life and walk with God, we must be completely filled with the Holy Spirit. To be filled, we must repent and die to our old way of relying on human power. We must hunger and ask for the Holy Spirit (Luke 11:11-13). We must receive the Holy Spirit. Spend time in prayer and worship as an individual and as a group readying yourself to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Repent for the past, ask for the Holy Spirit, and wait for God’s Spirit to fill you.

Do you see the supernatural in your life? Do you feel equipped to minister to the multitudes? Do you expect great power to move in and through you? When we are filled with the Spirit, we will see great fruit. Read Acts 2-6 (with some specific references in ‘Further Scripture’ above) and see what the apostles achieved after being filled with the Spirit. Reset your expectations and ask God to give you big dreams and use you in a big way to share the gospel, expand the Kingdom of God, and see miracles in your life and those who come into contact with you.