
From Fragmented Families To Fruitful Families

May 26, 2019 • Pastor James Richards

To see fruitful families, we need to change the culture. We must build up our families and homes and build the church as a family and home; all centred on the rock of Jesus Christ and the Word of God.

Further Scripture:
Deuteronomy 11:11-14, Genesis 1:26-28, Genesis 12:1-3, 2 Timothy 1:5 Romans 8:15, Revelation 22:17, Psalm 68:6, Psalm 25:16, Philippians 4:8, Hebrews 11:6, Joshua 24:15

Key Points:
1. By Establishing The Word As The Foundation And Framework Of The Home (v18-20) // 2. By Winning Over Hearts And Minds (v18) // 3. By The Power Of Christ-Like Example (v18-19) // 4. By Cultivating An Atmosphere Of Faith (v19) // 5. By Putting Your House In Order (v18-20)

Apply The Word:
What are the foundations and frameworks of your family? Do you build on past experiences, emotions, or scripture? What place does the Word have in your family and home? Note how things happen in your family and what drives the direction or decisions of your family. Make a plan of what you need to change and build in your family so that every word, decision, and action is established on the Word of God.

How is direction given and received in your family/home? What is the default atmosphere in your home and what is permitted to happen in your family? Whether you are a parent, sibling, or child, as a follower of Christ you have the responsibility to model Christ-like living. What you model (prayer, reading the Word, worshipping, faith, obedience) and what you permit (sin, unrighteousness, or rebellion) will define the direction of your family. List the cultures that manifest in your family and how well you are modelling the key points #1-5 above. Compare the attitudes, experiences, habits, and routines of your family to the bar set in our key passage and the list set out in Philippians 4:8. Decide today how to put the five culture-changing actions from this message into action.