
Time For You To Sing Again, Part 3

The Lord will bless you and your family, protect you, and grant you success.

August 11, 2019 • Jon & Hayley Stevens

Isaiah speaks to the people of Israel in Isaiah 54, a people who had been barren, desolate, distressed, and rejected. But his message was one of hope; that for all that they had gone through, now was the time for them to sing again. And that’s true for you today. The music may have seemed to have stopped in your life but your days of song and celebration are not finished.

In this message, the third and final part of this topic, we looked at how the Lord will bless you and your family (v13), protect you (v14), and grant you success (v16-17). Whatever has come before, you can know that the Lord has great plans for your life.

Further Scripture: Psalm 118:24, 1 Thessalonians 5:16, Ephesians 5:19, Philippians 4:4, Habakkuk 3:17-18, Acts 16:25-26, Psalm 30:5

Apply The Word:
Are you focused on today or do the pains and mistakes of the past take up your time, energy, and focus? Does your past define your decision making? Now is the time to forget the past. God wants to remove your doubts and fears, restore you to fulness, and take you forward in His promises. Read the passage in Isaiah 54 and review the seven points above that break down this chapter. Consider which of these areas you need to gain confidence in to overcome your doubts, fear, or shame. Now bring these before the Lord, who is called your Redeemer.

Do you have a daily routine and constant atmosphere of worship in your life? Singing praises to the Lord brings freedom in your life and breaks chains (Acts 16:25-26). If you can establish a lifestyle of worship in your attitude and your words, you will see breakthrough. It’s time to sing, you have every reason to hope. Set a time every day where you will worship, preferably at the start of the day as part of your devotional time. We have created a Spotify playlist with multiple worship songs to apply this word. You can find the playlist at kcionline.org/podcast.

Time To Conquer Your Mountain, Part 4

September 29, 2019 • Pastor Wes Richards

Caleb was the first of the spies to see the potential of the Promised Land and was determined to persevere until he saw the promise fulfilled. In this week’s key scripture, we read how He achieved his goal by staying determined. Like Caleb, we can achieve every God-given goal as we follow the Lord wholeheartedly, as we declare our faith in God, and as we walk determined to fulfil His purpose. On Sunday 22nd September we covered points 1 & 2 of this message. Further Scripture: Genesis 23:19, Matthew 28:19-20, Philippians 3:10-14, Ephesians 6:10-13, Revelation 12:11, 1 Timothy 6:12, Acts 27:22-25, Joshua 21:3–12, 1 Chronicles 6:54–56, 2 Samuel 2:4, Acts 28:14, 2 Timothy 4:18 Key Points: 3. Faith (v12), 4. Fulfilment (v13) Apply The Word: Do you keep a spirit of determination to achieve all that God has for you even in the face of opposition? Like Caleb in this week’s passage and the apostle Paul as a New Testament example (2 Corinthians 11), you must keep your faith through difficulties. When the apostle Paul was caught in a prolonged storm at sea and when all hope of being saved had seemingly gone, he spoke confidently to everyone on board. When Caleb was hearing the downcast arguments of the other spies, he stood to declare the land was good. We too need this determined faith that God will help us conquer in every fight that we face. You will conquer in your finances. You will conquer in your family. You will conquer to win people to Christ. Do you have a focus on the simple purpose God has given you? We can’t lose focus because of the cares of everyday life. We must not get distracted from the vision we have to change the world for Jesus. This means a focus on our daily development as being and making disciples of Jesus (Matthew 28:19-20).

Time To Conquer Your Mountain, Part 3

September 22, 2019 • Pastor Wes Richards

Caleb was the first of the spies to see the potential of the Promised Land and was determined to persevere until he saw the promise fulfilled. In this week’s key scripture, we read how He achieved his goal by staying determined. Like Caleb, we can achieve every God-given goal as we follow the Lord wholeheartedly, as we declare our faith in God, and as we walk determined to fulfil His purpose. Further Scripture: Genesis 23:19, Matthew 28:19-20, Philippians 3:10-14, Ephesians 6:10-13, Revelation 12:11, 1 Timothy 6:12, Acts 27:22-25, Joshua 21:3–12, 1 Chronicles 6:54–56, 2 Samuel 2:4, Acts 28:14, 2 Timothy 4:18 Key Points: 1. Focus (v12), 2. Forcefulness (v11) Apply The Word: Do you keep a spirit of determination to achieve all that God has for you even in the face of opposition? Like Caleb in this week’s passage and the apostle Paul as a New Testament example (2 Corinthians 11), you must keep your faith through difficulties. When the apostle Paul was caught in a prolonged storm at sea and when all hope of being saved had seemingly gone, he spoke confidently to everyone on board. When Caleb was hearing the downcast arguments of the other spies, he stood to declare the land was good. We too need this determined faith that God will help us conquer in every fight that we face. You will conquer in your finances. You will conquer in your family. You will conquer to win people to Christ. Do you have a focus on the simple purpose God has given you? We can’t lose focus because of the cares of everyday life. We must not get distracted from the vision we have to change the world for Jesus. This means a focus on our daily development as being and making disciples of Jesus (Matthew 28:19-20).

Time To Conquer Your Mountain, Part 2

September 15, 2019 • Pastor Wes Richards

There is great power in declaration. To be an overcomer who gets over every obstacle in your way, it’s important to know how to speak positive words, and in particular, the Word of God. To conquer your mountains, you must take care of how you speak. The words of our tongue have great power to deliver, delay, or destroy our destiny. Learn from the life of Caleb in this week’s message how we can declare the promises of God to see our conquest. Further Scripture: Joshua 14:6-15, Nehemiah 1:4-7, Acts 4:23-31, Deuteronomy 1:35-36, 2 Peter 1:3, Hebrews 11:26-27, Romans 4:18-21, Isaiah 54:4, 13, 17, Isaiah 57:18 Apply The Word: What do you declare with your words? When we speak out positive words, and especially the Word of God, we can see great things. Caleb clearly understood the power of declaration. He didn’t just hide words in his heart or mull them over in his mind. He spoke them out so that everyone would know that what was coming out of his mouth was an overflow of a great heart. Read Numbers 14 and see how Caleb declared the Word of God and had determination to claim and hold on to it. Do you know the promises of God to declare? God makes great promises all through the Bible. He made promises to many individuals including Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Daniel, and Paul. Of course, He also made promises to His people; to the Israelites and to the church. Every promise to Abraham for multiplication, for all generations, for a holy nation, and for transformation are promises to us also. God’s promises are eternal and obtainable. The promises are for all believers who are the spiritual descendants of Abraham, our father in faith. Search the scriptures for promises (including those listed above) and declare that these promises are alive and working on your behalf today.