
One Accord Prayer Movement - Women's Prayer led by Lucinda Brown Godbolt

Prayer for Knowing God in Seasons of Rest and Waiting

December 17, 2023 • Lucinda Brown-Godbolt

Welcome to the One Accord Prayer Movement here at Kingdom Industries United. Today's Prayer Leader is Lucinda Brown Godbolt.

Lucinda is a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ in her local and surrounding communities, a servant leader in a prayer group called Faith Talk on fb, and the leader of Peculiarly Anointing Ministry (PAM) where they operate under God's full control and are guided by His direction.

Connect with Lucinda here:

Email: peculiarlyanointedministry@gmail.com

Social: www.facebook.com/peculiarlyanointingministry

Kingdom Industries United is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Learn more about how to support KIU at https://kingdomindustriesunited.com/give