
Unity is Now with Leon the Jokester and April D. Metzler

Connecting All Parts of the Body Together Through Healing to be in One Accord

May 26, 2023 • April D. Metzler, Leon the Jokester • 1 Corinthians 12:21–26, Galatians 6:7–9, Esther 4:14, Matthew 7:21–23, Mark 8:35–36

Welcome to UNITY IS NOW, a special series hosted on the RSVP Show with

April D. Metzler and in Kingdom collaboration with the nonprofit

ekklesia organization - Kingdom Industries United.

Key Unity Topic Focus: Connecting All Parts of the Body Together Through Healing to be in One Accord

Join April and her guest, Leon the Jokester, as they delve into the topic of Unity through their testimonies, the Word of God and whatever comes up in the conversation as Holy Spirit leads! We are excited to have you

hang out with us for this visit today and look forward to hearing your

feedback, questions, and comments!

Connect with Leon


Connect with April


Thank you, Jennifer Cotney, for your amazing introduction for this episode!

Connect with Jennifer


Are you looking to find a Kingdom Community to connect with other

brothers and sisters in Christ who also desire Unity?

Check out the Kingdom Connection events starting in June 2023.


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