
Little Boat Twice Owned

February 23, 2021 • Pastor Karl and Gus

Pastor Karl tells Gus the story of Billy and the Little Boat Twice Owned

The Four Seeds

This is the story of Sally Seed, Sandy Seed, Sammy Seed, and Sunny Seed. It's a take based on the parable of the sower and shows what type of seed you should be and where you should be planted.

The Friendship Formula

Peter thinks he has no friends and feels lonely until Dan the playground monitor shares a secret with him, The Friendship Formula, and gives him a two week challenge. Soon, Peter is surprised to become one of the most liked kids at school! What is the secret? Could it work for you?

Jimmy Jim, Jim Jimmy!

You've read Green Eggs and Ham, but you may have never heard of Jimmy Jim! His love for Jesus and gentle persistent sharing changed his friends life. Enjoy!