The best way to get through tomorrow is to be reminded that you have everything you need today.
Sermon Sentence: All the life of being a disciple of Jesus is lived in submission to those we are called to serve with.
Sermon Sentence: Marriage is the best and most vulnerable place to make disciples and show God’s love.
Sermon Sentence: Focused walking will the follower of Christ to walk more closely with Him.
Sermon Sentence: We are called to be children of light, not partners with those that walk in darkness.
Sermon Sentence: How we live should be guided by a truth higher than our own reasoning.
Sermon Sentence: The downward spiral of sin is turned around by renewing the mind to the Gospel of Jesus.
Sermon Sentence: Paul started with a theology of what it means to be filled with the fullness of God and ended up with a definition of the church.
Being full of fullness will have a direct impact on our lives.
Sermon Sentence: Being full of fullness will have a direct impact on our lives.
Sermon Sentence: God has chosen the success and functioning of the church to be what displays His wisdom to all authorities and powers and systems.
Sermon Sentence: The essentials in understanding salvation must include the realization of who you are apart from God and who God is in light of that.
Sermon Sentence: Now that you are saved, I desperately desire that you have a spirit of wisdom and grow in the knowledge of Jesus.
Sermon Sentence: There is no better way to live life than to be found in Jesus!