

September 18, 2019 • Aurora Scriver

*Yeah, but what if...?*
That phrase is so common in my speech and thoughts that when I was growing up, my mom would say, “No more yeah-buts!” The worst-case scenario was where I often lived my life (and I still visit quite frequently).

Anxiety is a real thing. It’s an issue that requires retraining your thought patterns and often requires counseling and sometimes medication and other treatment. These things are important to overcoming this awful part of the broken world we live in.

But the central piece of any anxiety treatment and recovery is finding identity in Jesus and His promises. Jesus is our Creator and Healer, the One who restores and promises to one day resurrect His people so that they are completely free from brokenness. For me, it helped to realize that my worth wasn’t in perfectionism and never failing. My worth comes from who I am in Christ—I’ve been declared “not-guilty” of the sins I’ve committed because of what Jesus did, and I’m an adopted daughter of God, loved and called to amazing purposes in His kingdom.

My purpose, then, is not to hyper-analyze, but to proclaim the truth. God already knows everything and He’s in control, so I don’t need to obsess over terrible what-if scenarios. Instead, I need to focus on who He is, what He has promised, and what He has called me to do—which He will enable me to do through the power of His Holy Spirit who dwells within me because I am a new creation in Christ.

Do you struggle with anxiety? Who can you talk with about your struggle?

When you experience anxiety, what is a verse or short prayer you can say to help you remember that God is with you?

What things make you the most anxious? How does knowing that God is good and in control affect your perspective on these things?