2022 Sectional Conferences Greeting

Kentucky District Global Missions

February 7, 2022 • 2 Timothy 4:7

Pastors and Ministers of the great Kentucky District,
Thank you so much for your great support of our Global Missionaries especially helping us bless them and fill their schedules while they are traveling in Kentucky. Thank you for giving to I AM GLOBAL! Your faithfulness and generosity are so very much appreciated. In the fiscal year of 2020-2021 Kentucky District gave $495,522.48 to Global Missions, which is twenty second in all districts global missions giving for the UPCI.

- 2022 Missionaries Have Been Scheduled (Notifications sent out to pastors, if you haven't seen it, please request we resend your schedule by emailing us at globalmissions@kyupci.org.
- Use the Kentucky District UPCI APP to GIVE an offering only, see about hosting a missionary, or just to keep up with all the happenings of the missionaries coming through Kentucky.
- If you are scheduled to give an "Offering Only" - you can do that at any time now directly through the app or on the website, it is extremely easy to do. (You can of course still mail the offering in using the return envelope that is sent out with the reminder of your missionary coming the month before!) (P.O. Box 441 | Radcliff, KY 40159).
- Every Kentucky church should plan to have a MISSIONS SERVICE and/or a FAITH PROMISE service in 2022. The materials are available to help you do this - and we would be glad to help facilitate these services to reach your goals.
- You can support Kentucky Global Missions Promotion and/or District Director A.J. Dummitt with a PIM through headquarters monthly giving which can be set up by filling out the electronic PIM form found below and on the district app and website: (Directly - https://kyupci.org/pim-enrollment).

Fight One More Round.
On September 7, 1892, a boxer named Gentleman Jim Corbett entered the ring with arguably the greatest boxer of all time.
John L. Sullivan was the last heavyweight champion of bare-knuckle boxing and the first heavyweight champion of gloved boxing. In 50 fights, he was undefeated.
The only fight Sullivan ever lost was this one! Gentleman Jim Corbett knocked him out in the 21 st round, became the Heavyweight Champion of the World, and gave the prize money to his church!
Corbett had a motto: Fight one more round .

Gentleman Jim Corbett's word:
“When your arms are so tired that you can hardly lift your hands to come on guard, fight one more round. When your nose is bleeding and your eyes are black and you are so tired that you wish your opponent would crack you one on the jaw and put you to sleep, fight one more round. The man who fights one more round is never whipped.”


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