
Prayer, Bury It or Double It

10-15-2017 - David Hwang

October 15, 2017 • David Hwang

1. Jesus Himself was a man committed to the discipline of prayer. So if He did, how much more so do we need to be??
2. A commitment to a life of prayer is expected by the Lord, and commanded for His people
3. Know that prayer is something to learned, to be practiced towards
improvement. Like learning a new instrument. So don’t be easily
discouraged when your prayer life seem difficult in the beginning.
4. Know that praying demands planning (Sentence prayers vs sustained
5. Always use God’s word for prayer first, as prayer is first a response to God!
6. Pray with faith and persistence! Know that God will always answer our
prayers, but the “problem” is that it many times is not in the way or in the
time in which we want them answered, as God needs to coordinate on
many, many levels to answer even the simplest of prayers. This can take
some time. And remember that His answer could also be a no.
7. Share and pray with others to learn, but also for discernment.
8. Only God can touch and change a human life so we must pray for others if we want to see them touched and transformed towards more
9. Recognize and remember that God can do FAR MORE than we can do. So cover all your work, and thoughts, and plans, and worries in prayer!
10. Spiritual warfare is real so we got a fight in the spiritual realm and a big part of doing so is through prayer. As it’s been said, when on the battlefield, the soldiers need to stay in communication with the General!