
Acknowledging My Humanity

January 12, 2020 • Kerrick Thomas

In the first 3 chapters of the Bible, we discover “who we are.” We are created by God in the image of God. But that image is shattered when sin enters the world. Our sin separates us from God, from who we were created to be and from God’s plan and purpose for our life. But the entire Bible is the story of God’s attempt to redeem us from the Fall. And Jesus can put the broken pieces of the shattered image of God back together in our lives. God made it all. We had it all. We lost it all. Jesus gave it all. So we can have it all again!

Following God's Plan

February 2, 2020 • Kerrick Thomas

This message will look at “where you are going.” God gave us the law through Moses in the Old Testament – not to restrict us – but so we could understand Gods’ best plan and draw closer to Him. And God reveals His plan for our lives and our decisions in His Word – the Bible. When we follow God’s decrees in the Bible – it leads to our best life…to real life.

Managing My Problems

January 26, 2020 • Andrew Phillips

In this message, we will see how God is always there and working – no matter “what you are going through.” We will look at the story of Joseph. How circumstances were stacked against him. And how he turned to God through all of His problems (the pit, Potiphar, the prison and then the pinnacle). We will learn how life is full of problems. God does not always cause problems. But God can work through your life circumstances to bless you and everyone you come in contact with.

Understanding My Heritage

January 19, 2020 • Dr. Nelson Searcy

This message will look at “where we come from.” The beginnings of the Judeo-Christian faith began with Abraham and his descendants. The story of our salvation (after having caused sin to enter the world in Genesis 3) begins in Genesis with Abraham and his family. It is through them we see our struggle with sin, how God is with us in the midst of our imperfection and how we are ultimately redeemed. Their lives point to the coming of Jesus as Messiah. The one who will ultimately conquer sin and death.