
A Better Way - Part 2

June 7, 2020 • Scotty Priest

”Jesus told him, ‘Go and do likewise’.” - Luke 10:37

During this Co-Vid 19 pandemic season, there are a lot of us who can’t wait to get our lives back to “normal”. We are racing to get back to normal, but what if “normal” wasn’t working? Could it be that one of the gifts God has given us during this time is the understanding that how we were living wasn’t the best for us? What if God has allowed us to slow down and gain a new perspective?

For example, maybe God in this time has exposed our lack of compassion for serving others in need. He’s revealed how much of our life revolves around ourselves and our little world…and that when we see someone in need, they are viewed more as an interruption than an invitation. Maybe God is opening our eyes to see that a better way is seeing other people as God sees them.

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